10 days in two blocks of 5 days
From $4,530.94
2 x 3 hours + self study
From $440.00
20-30 minutes
approximately 30 minutes
From $80.00
Approx. 50 minutes
From $129.00
2 sessions of 2.5 hours
From $438.00
Two sessions of 2.5 hours
From $373.00
One session of 5 hours
From $285.00
One session of 5 hours
From $285.00
approx. 1 hour
From $79.95
approx. 1 hour
From $79.95
10 days in two blocks of 5 days
From $4,945.00
approximately 35 minutes
From $80.00
Approx. 30 minutes
From $129.00
approx 30 minutes
From $80.00
Investigation Services
Two days (9 am – 4 pm)
From $884.00
Mental Health
4 hours
From $286.00
1.5 hours
From $199.00
4 hours
From $320.00
1.5 hours
From $190.00